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July 1st, 2012

Good morning, all!

          I awoke this morning shortly before my Fajr alarm went off and realized that it was the first of the month. Oh, July; you used to be my favaorite month out of the year, I now despise you. Especially this July, it's going to be a rough one. The weather this morning is gorgeous, the birds are calm, nobody seems to be moving about outside, which is pleasant.

        I have been coming to terms with phase two of being an abstergent person. Last year, I went through my entire room and donated, sold or threw away things which once meant something to me. I got rid of many sentimental possessions in the hopes of replacing them with new and better things which would mean even more than those belongings. I was always a pretty sentimental guy, a trait I don't share with many of my male friends. On the other hand, many of my female friends were borderline pack rats so I figured why not go somewhere in the middle? I enjoy a life of simplicity and having ample lots of space. Lately, I have been reading into the psychology of why people keep seemingly worthless items for long periods of time and how one can overcome this habit. One thing I read affirmed my own belief that having sentimental items stored somewhere can still clog the mind; if you still have the item, it's still there in your mind and that may hinder a person from moving on and looking to the future with new memories and new items to hold dear.

       As I get older, I think more and more about marriage and the strong level of equality and partnership I hope to attain. I want to love everything about her, whoever she is; And I certainly hope she feels the same way. I would want the things that have relevancy of my life to mean something to her as well and vice versa. There are certain things I don't want to really get rid of because of what the item represents. My first purchase with my first paycheck was a wrestling video game on my Gamecube (coincidentally, it is the only time I have overdrawn in my bank account because I didn't really understand that it took 2-3 days between depositing the check and being able to use the money).

       Being able to let go of certain things is so important. Eventually, you will either need the space in your home and will have to part with those items then, which can be painful or somebody may accidentally throw away your things thinking they're junk. It's hard to know how we will think in the future but there are many indicators. For instance, I have gotten rid of almost all of my wrestling video games (for a while, those were the only games I bought) because I know that if I see the game, I am more likely to remember certain wrestlers or matches and will end up on YouTube five minutes later wasting time watching old matches. It's hard to be hard on myself and abstain from re-living old memories but it is necessary in always moving forward.

       Always move upward and onward. Do what is necessary, within a certain limit to challenge yourself to grow as a person each and every day. 

I hope to someday have my sentimental belongings in a house somewhat like this one, that I drew.


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