It's the second week of September and we can already feel and smell Autumn in the air! I love this time of year; when we put away our shorts and bust out our sweaters/cardigans. I love this season, it always makes me feel so nostalgic for Autumns past. I remember every Fall season since 2003 so vividly. I remember all of the songs that made up those times, my different circles of friends I've had and all of the good memories. Autumn is such an interesting season; the changing of the colors is brilliant and beautiful. It's hard to classify a season as a "new beginning" but if I had to choose one to serve as that, it would definitely be this one. These are a few things I look forward to the most: caramel apple ciders, espresso beverages in general, plaid shirts, wearing boots again, long coats, cardigans and that char-like smell in the air. I look forward to a new start, a new beginning with the changing of the season!
Please be advised, the following is from my own analysis, personal experiences and insight. Everything I am saying could be completely wrong. It’s funny to me how much the word "love" is thrown around. It’s such a powerful expression that I dislike using casually. I’ve been told by a good amount of people that they “love” me but what does that really mean? I don’t think any affinity they may have for me is not at the level of love. I don’t think there is one way to define love but there are certainly action that correspond with the feeling. Obviously in life, certain people will love you for the sake of having to but it is very rare to meet somebody outside of familial or obligatory relationships that feels such a way. “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”, this is bogus. Love is unbreakable, Love is not a finite thing. I do not believe that you can fall out of love … If there was somebody in your life that you truly love(d), you wo...
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